Website revamp vs redesign: Which do you need?

May 27, 2024
11 minutes read
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So, you’ve implemented your website design and launched,  now you’re checking your Google Analytics and Search Console daily. You find that some people arrive at your site, but they immediately bounce and it’s affecting your search engine optimization. Your website has the right words, a great message and your provide a fantastic service. But, people just aren’t sticking around long enough to hear it. Should you start from scratch? Or, do you simply need a website revamp or redesign? Let’s compare these two web design terms because owners are often unsure of their differences.

We are going to discuss the differences and help you decide which approach would be best for your site's goals. So if you’re curious about the differences between website refresh vs redesign, bookmark this page and keep reading.

What’s the difference between a website refresh and redesign?

When a company manages its website, it affects how people see the company. The way the company presents itself online is crucial for creating the right impression. This impression, or image, reflects what the company wants the public to think about it.

This image plays a big role in whether people decide to buy products or services from that company. So, it's essential for the company to use important data and statistics to make sure their website is working well and showing the image they want. Basically, a good website that reflects the company's vision can positively influence people's decision to buy from that company.

If your website needs changes, you can take steps to improve it. The difference between a refresh and a redesign is how big the changes are.

Let's be clear, if you opt for a refresh you are only improving an existing website design. You aren't making significant changes to the site.

Rather, it means making small changes to some parts of the website. A website refresh may take a month or less.

A redesign, on the other hand, means changing most or all of the elements that represent the brand on the website. A redesign is a bigger project that takes three to six months on average.

Let’s take a closer look at the differences between these two.

Do you need a new website to make a big impact?

Picture website revamping as a style upgrade for your current site. It's not a start-from-scratch deal – more like a fashionable touch-up. New colors, fonts, images, and a new layout bring in a fresh vibe.

So, what’s the beauty of revamping? You can do it anytime, no need to hit the reset button. The focus here is on spicing up the design, making things user-friendly, and adding some extra functionality. It's like giving your old website a rejuvenating boost – whether it's tossing in new features, extra pages, or just rearranging the digital furniture a bit.

Revamping is your go-to move to keep your online presence sharp and up-to-date! When revamping a website, people often make changes to various elements to give it a fresh look and improved functionality. You don't need to completely redesign your website if you want to have an impact. You can do it by updating multiple items on an existing website to improve your overall look and feel.

Here are some examples of things people might change during a website revamp

Design Elements

Color schemes: Updating the color palette to create a more modern or cohesive look.

Fonts: Choosing new fonts to enhance readability and aesthetics.

Images: Swapping out outdated or low-quality images with high-resolution, relevant ones.

Layout: Rearranging the structure of the pages for better navigation and visual appeal.


Text: Rewriting or updating content to reflect current information and maintain relevance.

Multimedia: Adding new videos, images, or interactive elements to engage visitors.


Features: Introducing new features or enhancing existing ones to improve user experience.

Navigation: Streamlining navigation menus for easier access to key information.


Responsive Design: Ensuring the website is compatible with various devices and screen sizes.

Speed Optimization: Improving loading times for a smoother user experience.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Meta Tags: Updating meta titles and descriptions to improve search engine visibility.

Keywords: Incorporating relevant keywords to boost search engine rankings.

User Interaction

Forms: Enhancing contact forms or adding new forms to gather user feedback or information.

Social Media Integration: Integrating social media feeds or buttons for easy sharing.


ADA Compliance: Ensuring the website is accessible to users with disabilities.


SSL Certificate: Implementing or updating security measures, such as adding SSL for a secure connection.

Remember, the specific changes depend on the goals of the website to revampand the needs of the website. What your business changes during a revamp will be specific to its needs but it should not take more than a month or so to implement.

Let’s now look at a full website redesign.

What is a website redesign?

A website redesign is more comprehensive. We mentioned all of the things you could update during a website revamp, and these are also modified during a website redesign. The difference is with which depth you decide to modify your existing content.

A redesign Is going to fundamentally change your website, modifying it’s layout, functionality and navigation system.

So how do you know if you need a website revamp or redesign?

Signs you need a website update

Is your website starting to show its digital age? Here are some telltale signs that it might be time for a refreshing website revamp.

Outdated design on your existing site

Your website looks like it's stuck in a time capsule, and its design doesn't align with current trends or your brand image.

Slow Loading Times

Visitors are patiently waiting for your pages to load. Slow loading times can drive away potential customers.

Mobile Unfriendliness

Your website doesn't play well with mobile devices, providing a frustrating experience for users on smartphones and tablets.

High Bounce Rates

People are leaving your site quickly without exploring other pages. High bounce rates can indicate a lack of engagement.

Poor User Experience

Navigation is confusing, and finding information feels like a scavenger hunt. A smooth and intuitive user experience is crucial.

Low Conversion Rates

Your website isn't turning visitors into customers. A revamp can optimize your site for better conversion rates.

Dated Content

If your content hasn't been updated in a while, it might not accurately represent your current offerings or information.

Not SEO-Optimized

Your website isn't ranking well on search engines, and you're missing out on valuable organic traffic.

Competitors Have Upgraded

If your competitors have modern, user-friendly websites, yours might need a revamp to stay competitive.

Technological Incompatibility

Your website struggles to adapt to different devices and browsers, leading to a less-than-optimal user experience.

Recognizing these signs early on allows you to stay ahead in the digital landscape, ensuring your website remains a valuable and engaging asset for your audience.

Its it your time to consider a website revamp to keep things fresh, functional, and aligned with your business goals?

If not, perhaps you may be better off redesigning your website. So, how can you identify the signs that it’s time for a website redesign?

Signs your website needs a redesign

If your website feels like it's stuck in the past, it might be screaming for a redesign. Here are distinctive signs that signal a need for a comprehensive overhaul.

Major Rebranding

If your business has undergone significant rebranding, a redesign ensures that your website aligns seamlessly with the new brand identity.

Outdated Technology

Your website is running on outdated technology, making it prone to security vulnerabilities and hindering its overall performance.

Ineffective Information Architecture

If visitors struggle to find what they're looking for due to a confusing structure, a redesign can improve information architecture for better navigation.

Limited Functionality

Your website lacks essential features that are now standard in modern websites, hindering user engagement and satisfaction.

Non-Responsive Design

In today's mobile-centric world, if your website doesn't adapt seamlessly to various devices, a redesign with responsive design is essential.

Evolving User Needs

User expectations change over time. A redesign allows you to meet evolving user needs and preferences for a more relevant user experience.

Compliance Concerns

If your website isn't compliant with current web standards, accessibility guidelines, or legal requirements, a redesign can address these concerns.

Lack of Integration

Your website doesn't integrate well with modern tools, technologies, or third-party applications, hindering its overall functionality.

Negative User Feedback

Pay attention to user feedback. If there's a consistent pattern of dissatisfaction, a redesign can address the underlying issues and improve overall satisfaction.

Innovative Industry Standards

If your industry has evolved, and competitors are adopting innovative web practices, a redesign keeps you at the forefront and maintains competitiveness.

Recognizing these signs indicates that a redesign is not just a facelift but a strategic move to ensure your website remains a cutting-edge, effective tool for your business in the ever-changing digital landscape. It's time to consider a website redesign to stay current, competitive, and compelling for your audience.

What’s the cost of website redesign and revamp?

Deciding between a website revamp and a redesign involves not just aesthetic preferences but also budget considerations.

Let's break down the cost implications of each. We cannot provide specific numbers as each business will have varying costs. Similarly, depending on the country the business you are workmen with is in, you may experience higher or lower rates to pay.

Nonetheless, if you are considering a website revamp or redesign, these are the things you should consider and understand before proceeding.

Website refresh costs

Revamp costs will generally be more affordable than a complete redesign. A revamp doesn’t involve the extensive strategy needed to fully revive a website or business.

Graphic and Design Elements: Updating colors, fonts, and images can be done relatively cost-effectively, especially if you're keeping a substantial part of your existing design.

Content Refresh: If your content needs a facelift, costs will depend on the extent of the rewriting and the addition of new multimedia elements. You may simply need an editor, or you may need a copywriter who is proficient in creating a brand voice and writing style guide.

Functionality Enhancements: Adding new features or improving existing functionality may have moderate costs, depending on the complexity of the changes. Costs associated with functionality enhancements include plugins, custom built

SEO Optimization: Updates, such as meta tag revisions and keyword integration, generally have manageable costs. The amount you spend will depend on if you need technical, on page/off page modifications. Technical and off page SEO tend to be more costly as they require more manual work.

Responsive Design: Ensuring your website is compatible with various devices usually incurs moderate expenses. Your investment will depend on the complexity of your website’s increased functionality and the time needed to create the responsive design.

Keep in mind these costs can fluctuate based on geographic location, whether you work with a business or a freelancer, and the professionals level of expertise.

Now let’s compare these costs to what you will need to be aware of if you opt for a website redesign.

Website Redesign Costs

Complete Overhaul: A redesign involves a comprehensive transformation of the entire website layout, requiring more time and resources compared to a revamp. A redesign is a form of strategy for your business.

Graphic and Design Elements: Since a redesign involves significant changes to visual elements, costs can be higher, especially if new branding elements are introduced. However, it is important to keep in mind that you are investing in a strategic redesign of your website and strategy will play a role in the overall cost.

Functionality Overhaul: Implementing new features or revamping existing ones can be more complex and, consequently, more costly. For instance, you may need to hire a designer and developer to build a program that has functionality specific to your business needs. If so, the cost will be significantly higher than simply paying for a new plugin or SaaS program.

Content Restructuring: If your content undergoes a major restructuring, with new pages or sections added, costs may increase.

Responsive Design Implementation: If your current website lacks responsive design, the implementation during a redesign might be a more extensive and costly process. Unlike with a website revamp, where you will need to modify your site to be responsive, a redesign will require designers and developers to completely rebuild your website for mobile and desktop views.

Now you understand the major differences and items that could significantly increase the cost of your website endeavors, what are the two most important considerations when choosing between a website redesign and revamp?

The most important factors for choosing revamp vs redesign

The biggest and most impactful consideration for your business is timeline. How quickly will you need to see results from your efforts?

If you need to see results in less than a month, you cannot realistically expect a redesign for your website. Instead, you should focus on revamping and making small changes within your existing design. You can still see substantial improvements when you revamp with a purpose and a vision.

I short, revamps generally have quicker turnaround times, which may be beneficial if you need changes promptly. Redesigns, on the other hand, may take several months.

Next ask yourself, what are the extent of the changes you require?

If your website requires a complete transformation or if your business has undergone significant changes, a redesign might be a more strategic investment.

The takeaway here should be to ask yourself if you need strategic help with your designs. If you are a new business, you may need help with a design strategy to attract clients. Or, if you are an existing business, you my benefit from a redesign by incorporating design into your existing strategy.

Lastly, ask yourself about your long term goals.

Assessing your long-term goals and the desired lifespan of your website can help determine whether a revamp or redesign aligns better with your business strategy.

With everything considered you may be wondering…

Why Tenscope is your ideal redesign partner

Choosing the right partner for your website redesign can have lasting effect on your business. Tenscope offers experienced website management services, making us a trusted choice for businesses looking to update their online presence. We excel in understanding your unique needs and goals, offering personalized solutions that can range from minor updates to comprehensive redesigns.

Unparalleled collaboration and support

We have a collaborative approach, treating clients like partners and ensuring that every concern is addressed. We provide a supportive environment where you can openly discuss your needs and expectations, making the process of updating your website as smooth and efficient as possible.

Expertise and Efficiency

With a focus on delivering high-quality results, we allow you to concentrate on other strategic aspects of your business while we handle the technical details. Our expertise ensures that your website not only looks great but also performs well, aligning with your business objectives and enhancing your online presence.


Deciding between a website revamp and a redesign involves careful consideration of your goals, budget, and the current state of your website. With the support of a trusted agency like Tenscope, you can navigate these decisions more effectively, ensuring your website serves your business optimally in the digital landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between redesign and improve?

Redesign typically involves more significant changes than improvement, as it involves overhauling of operations and adopting a new way of performing a task. Improvement, on the other hand, is based on making subtle changes to existing activities.

Does revamping website affect SEO?

Redesigning a website can have an impact on your search engine rankings, so it's important to factor organic traffic into the redesign process to retain and improve your rankings. This will help ensure a successful website redesign that optimizes SEO, conversion rates, and digital marketing.

When should I revamp my website?

If your website isn't helping achieve your business goals, has a high bounce rate, is slow, not mobile-friendly, outdated, or difficult to navigate, it's time to consider revamping your website.

Can a website be redesigned?

Yes, a website can be redesigned to better suit the needs and goals of a business. This involves changing elements such as the code, content, structure, and visuals in order to provide improved user experience (UX) and boost revenue.

How much does a website revamp typically cost?

The typical cost of a website revamp can range from $2,000 to $75,000, depending on the scope and complexity of the project.

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