How to Choose the Right Website Type (+10 Most Popular Types of Websites Explained)

Kosta Tiodorovic
January 3, 2022
9-minute read
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Websites have become a crucial part of developing a business in today’s world. Almost every type of business has its own site to back it up. However, creating a website can be confusing for someone trying to develop their own brand. Choosing the right category of website is instrumental in creating a better and clearer connection with your targeted audience. Not sure which types are available? No problem! We will examine what are the most popular types of website and help you choose the one that is the most suitable for your business.

Popular types of website

Business websites

This is one of the most popular website types available, as it can take on many shapes and forms depending on what your brand is. The main purpose of this website category is selling, so it is designed to lead the customer towards the offered product or service.  

If your brand is selling a specific product, a business site is the way to go, as it clearly showcases the product and often has features that allow you to directly make money out of it.

Business form is also a good choice if you are trying to sell a service, because they can include a booking system for reserving appointments. For example, if you are creating a web page for renting out apartments, formatting it as a business website with a built-in booking system will help your guests find the exact service they are looking for.

If selling is the purpose, you should definitely consider a business website model!

Examples: Studio Neat, Pop Chart, Velasca

E-commerce websites

Similar to the business type mentioned above, eCommerce websites are used by companies that are trying to sell their products to their users. However, eCommerce brand simulates the experience of actual shopping in the store and can be more appealing because of this.

It usually has a page where you can showcase your products and the customer can add them into a virtual cart which they can ‘check out’ after they are done shopping. This type is perfect for retail stores that offer a vast number of their products to the customer.

The potential of online shopping has been undoubtedly proven during the Covid pandemic, so this site breed will bring you and your product-based brand a lot of success.  

Examples: Apple, Onfleet, Framer


Do you have a vast knowledge about a specific topic and want to share it with the world? We highly advise you to start a blog!

It is a type of web page that enables you to post your expertise through texts and images in order to capture your audience. Whether it is food, traveling, or sports, a blog form is a good choice for your website as it is one of the easiest types to create and maintain.  

Blogs have become very popular in recent times, especially because bloggers have found new ways to monetize their online presence. Many of them directly advertise products that are connected to their topic through WordPress plugins, some sign sponsorship deals with companies, and some use affiliate marketing to make money.  

Either way, you don’t need to be worried about being broke if you choose to take this route. There are plenty of ways to monetize your content!

Examples: Pando, Fubiz, 500px


Many people work in professions in which it is important that their work is recognized. If you are one of those people, making a portfolio website is the perfect choice!

Portfolios include a gallery which displays your work to the world, enabling your users to familiarize themselves with your content. They also incorporate texts about the author and the meaning behind the work displayed.

For example, this site category is used by people working in art.

Photographers, painters and writers all use portfolios to display all their work in one place. That way, their potential clients can see their previous accomplishments and decide whether they are suitable for the job or not.

For a designer of any kind, a portfolio is very important. We advise that you choose the portfolio website type if you are trying to promote your own work, as it gives your target audience easy access to your content.

Examples: Seymourpowell, Cihad Turhan, Ryan Scherf

Personal websites

In many ways, personal websites and portfolios are very similar. They both help you promote your personal brand and your work to the web. However, a personal site focuses specifically on you and your accomplishments, boosting your online presence.

Not only do personal websites work as a sort of a resume, but in many cases, they actually are resume websites! Presenting yourself in such a neat and accessible way can help you get hired, as it gives a clear picture of who you are and what your work is.

Creating a personal website can be very helpful for up-and-coming designers, as it shows they are serious about their brand, while also promoting their work and accomplishments.

Examples: Ximena Vengoechea, Orestis Georgiou

Event websites

As the world has moved more into an online space, so have the biggest world events!  

People organizing events such as concerts, sporting events, and festivals, have had much more success by using event websites. They can enable you to provide your users with information, booking, and scheduling of your event, making it easier for both sides to get the best experience.

Event websites are specific because the main theme is the actual event, so the whole design is catered toward your vision of the event. Designers can get creative, and fully implement the vision of the event brand on to the site design.

Examples: Coachella, Pegasus, Digitized

Online forums

Do you want your users to have a voice in your web presence? Online forums are the solution!  

This type allows your audience to interact with one another over topics they are the most interested in. Moreover, many companies have included forums on their site to have more customer input on their service. It is likely that your customers have similar difficulties, so a forum, where they can discuss their problems and explain ways of overcoming them, can serve as informal customer support for your business.  

Forums can exist on their own and not support business pages. Like blogs, people spend time on forums to learn more about topics they are interested in. However, in this case, they have the option of having a full conversation with other people about the topic. Therefore, forums have much more user flexibility and can be considered a version of modern social media.

Example: Reddit, Quora, TripAdvisor

Membership websites

Many sites have limited content for users who are not registered members. These membership sites only allow people who have become members (usually paid a membership fee) to get the full experience of their brand.  

This form is usually used by brands that want to be exclusive and have control over their audience group. While it is the most popular site form for magazines that require a subscription, it can also be used by groups or clubs that want specific customers on their site. However, it doesn’t need to be paid membership. Some sites just require the user to register for free with their email.  

Not only does the membership requirement allow you to have some kind of control over who sees your content, but it is also a good way to monetize your work. As the Joker said: “If you are good at something, never do it for free!”.

Examples: The Athletic, Olive Knits, Society of Visual Storytelling

Nonprofit websites

This type is used by non-profit organizations which depend on the community to finance their actions. The site depicts information about the organization, details about their work in the community and galleries showing how they do it.  

Nonprofit form is perfect for you if you are fighting for a cause and are in need of a platform that will expose it to the world. However, it doesn’t need to be a groundbreaking social movement. Communal institutions such as churches or schools also use the nonprofit format for their online presence.

Examples: SEEP, Thorn, Upstream International

Informational Websites

The main purpose of informational sites is to act as a platform which is a source of material on various topics. They contain long form content, and are usually designed so users can easily navigate through categories they are interested in.

This site form is used mostly by online encyclopedias, wikis, or news companies. However, they aren’t meant to be used as source of making money. The main goal is to provide people free information, while being financed by donations (as Wikipedia does).  

Examples: Refdesk, Bestplaces, Findarticles

Different types of website, and how to create them

As a designer or a small business owner, you must be acquainted with the different types of website available so that you can determine which will best suit your needs. You may build the ideal structure for each brand and their consumer base by studying what competitors chose, and conducting testing.  

There are many pages that offer templates for each of the categories we discussed above. These businesses can help you build your unique web page, but it is essential that you know what site form fits your brand the best. By creating a perfect fit, you will find success in giving your users the best experience!

What is the importance of web design for your audience?

Your site is one of the most significant components of your company's online presence, so make sure it's well designed. Your website is also where you nurture bottom-of-funnel leads in order to convert them. Any site problems that drive your prospects to leave are unaffordable, so you need to create a design that is user-friendly.  

Your website should be developed with your target audience in mind and should provide a positive customer experience. There are numerous other advantages to having a professional design for both your company, and your target audience. For example, if your target audience is dependent on groups that are over 40, your design should be simple enough that people with less technological knowledge can use your web page with ease.  

Customer is always right, so make sure your design is what your target audience would want it to be!

If you’re looking for professional input to develop a website for your business, we at Tenscope can help you reach all your goals and visions. Just drop us a mail and one of us will be in touch with you in no time.

Do you have any more questions? Do not hesitate to book a call with us to find out how we can help you!

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