The 3 best SaaS pricing page examples and top conversion tactics

October 21, 2024
15 minute read
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As an online business with a SaaS website, you must have multiple elements in place for your online presence. You will need a homepage to showcase your business. In addition to this, you will need to have blog pages to help your customers understand your product and feel comfortable working with you. Once they have gone through these pages, you will need a sales page with clear pricing that will compel people to start a free trial and set up a service plan with your business.

Your sales page is an extremely important page because it can make sales or stop people from working with your company. So, how can you ensure your SaaS pricing page is effective and has all the elements required to convince someone to make a purchase?

We are covering what you should include in your SaaS pricing page design to help you gain new customers around the clock.

We will cover:

  • How to choose a SaaS pricing model
  • The elements you need for your pricing page
  • How to optimize your page for conversions
  • Provide examples of great pricing pages
  • Explain what makes an effective pricing page

So keep reading if you own a SaaS business and must create a pricing page with a bite. Or, if you already have a page and want to know how to optimize it so your customers move from top to bottom, hit the 'sign up now' button.

Key takeaways

  • How to make your pricing page effective
  • Popular SaaS pricing packages
  • Different pricing options you can choose
  • A sample SaaS page layout for designing your own pricing page
  • 3 of the best pricing page examples in 2023
  • What effective SaaS pricing pages avoid

How to create a pricing page that's effective

Creating a pricing page that resonates with your target audience is an art. It requires balancing providing necessary information and maintaining an appealing and easy-to-navigate layout.

The key elements of a successful pricing page include:

  • transparent pricing
  • a succinct description of features
  • an intuitive design
  • guides potential customers to make a purchase decision

Combining the above will give you the best chance of closing customers who are already interested in your services.

Best practices suggest a layout that is easy on the eyes and allows customers to compare different plans effortlessly. The first part of the page is the pricing tiers. You cannot choose a price, put it online, and expect people to buy. You need to methodically choose your pricing and understand how most SaaS companies price their products.

So, let's outline common pricing structures so you can understand if your current pricing is effective. If you need help, you can use the following information to improve your page for conversions.

Understanding Different SaaS Pricing Models

Many SaaS companies often rely on various plans tailored to different services and customer needs. One of the most popular is the subscription-based model but there are also:

  • Freemium pricing
  • Flat pricing
  • Value-based pricing

Let's quickly outline all of them below so you find the right pricing to help your SaaS business grow.

What is a subscription-based SaaS pricing model?

A SaaS subscription model is when your business supplies a service for a set period, usually net 30, in exchange for a fee that customers pay. Customers must renew their subscription at the end of the period to maintain access to your services or products.

Subscriptions offer regular and predictable revenue streams for your business while providing consistent consumer pricing. The benefits are clear, but there are some drawbacks to this pricing approach.

The most clear drawback is that you must nurture customers to keep their business continually. The next is that customers can choose to leave your product or service at the end of their subscription. Lastly, you must continually improve your product and add new features to increase customer retention. It will involve market research to understand other offerings in your industry and vertical.

A well-known company that uses this model is Microsoft. They offer the Microsoft Office suite for monthly or yearly plans.

You must weigh the pros and cons of this approach to decide if the subscription model is best for you.

Another common pricing structure is usage-based pricing.

What is usage-based pricing?

The usage-based model charges customers based on their usage level. It provides flexibility for your customers, and upsells become simple for your business. If you choose this model, you could allow people to pay for a set limit, and once it is exhausted, they must purchase more credits, words, etc. Or you can give them a set limit within a period.

The drawbacks are monitoring usage and reminding people to make payments once their plan has expired. Customers can sometimes complain about the features included in each tier, which could also lead to customer dissatisfaction.

A well-known business employing this model is Jasper AI. In their pricing model, you pay for a set number of AI-generated characters for creating marketing materials.

The last type of pricing is the tiered structure model.

What is tiered pricing?

Tiered pricing structures cater to different audience segments by offering varied feature sets. In this model, most businesses have a freemium plan that allows users to experience basic features for free. Customers can upgrade to more advanced capabilities if they enjoy the features and want increased functionality.

You can attract many customers with such a pricing plan because you offer features for free, giving you multiple opportunities to increase that customer's value in your business.

Canva is an example of a business that offers tiered pricing. A freemium pricing model allows users to access features for free, a paid plan for premium content, and a business plan for teams that need collaboration.

The last type of pricing is a lifetime deal.

What is lifetime deal pricing?

Lifetime deal pricing means customers can pay once and access your software for life. Currently, these types of plans are on the decline, but if you are a startup and need to crowdfund to increase your marketing efforts, it is a viable option.

The obvious downfall is that you cannot receive a monthly recurring revenue stream from lifetime deals and will need to find more customers after your lifetime deal ends.

A business that has taken this approach for their service is Neuron Writer. They are still growing their user base and offered a lifetime deal for their software on Appsumo.

Although most businesses do not opt for this type of pricing, it is great for new companies.

The first step to building a successful SaaS pricing page is understanding your pricing and its reason. If you cannot understand why you've priced your product a certain way, it will be impossible to convince customers your product or service is a great deal.

But there's more than meets the eye when choosing a pricing model for your SaaS products.

How to leverage psychology in your pricing

Have you ever wondered why most people with an iPhone opt for the higher-priced models? It's not just because they have more features. Rather, it comes down to Apple's understanding of pricing psychology.

Understanding the psychology behind pricing is crucial in the SaaS industry, even more so than in the cell phone industry. The way you set your prices can significantly influence customer perception and decision-making.

For instance, odd pricing (like $99 instead of $100) can make a product seem more affordable, a tactic known as "charm pricing." Similarly, offering a high-priced premium option can make the other plans seem more reasonably priced in comparison, a strategy known as "price anchoring."

These psychological pricing strategies can be leveraged to enhance the perceived value of your product and give you a competitive edge in the market.

We will cover strategies for conversion rate optimization of your pricing page. The process is called conversion rate optimization and is designed to help you guide customers in taking the action you'd most like.

Conversion rate optimization for your SaaS pricing page

A well-optimized pricing page is key to converting visitors into paying customers. However, optimizing your pricing page requires more than just listing your prices.

It involves crafting a narrative that showcases the value your product offers.

Here are the elements to compel people to sign up for your service.

  • A clear value proposition
  • Strategic calls-to-action
  • Social Proof
  • Strategic price point placement
  • A hot offer Matrix

Your value proposition should be front and center. It should effortlessly explain why your product is the best choice. Next, you need strategically placed calls to action. These should be prominent and persuasive, encouraging visitors to take the next step.

The next step could be signing up for a free trial or choosing a pricing plan. Whatever the CTA is, you should aim to make your microcopy (the words you use on buttons and other small features) compelling enough to garner a click.

Below the CTAs, you should include social proof elements, like customer testimonials or case studies. These can significantly boost trust and credibility, further aiding in conversion.

The last section of your pricing page should include a hot offer matrix. The hot offer matrix is your last chance to compel someone to accept your offer. Here, you should include two benefits of your service: induce scarcity (only if it is real) and offer risk reversal.

Scarcity is a psychological tactic where you give customers a reason to buy today, such as "the price of all subscriptions increases by 30% at midnight). Carefully use this tactic and only employ it when you mean it unless you want people to distrust your business.

And risk reversal is simple. It means you offer people a guarantee about your service. Perhaps you tell them if they aren't happy, they can stop their subscription in thirty days while retaining all the great features you offer during their subscription period.

Finally, strategically place your pricing on the page. In all business models, there are likely to be tiers. One conversion rate optimization tactic that's commonly employed is to set the pricing point at which you want customers to choose between a lower and higher price.

Once you launch, your job isn't done if you want a convincing pricing page that helps your business grow. You need to test your page.

A/B Testing for SaaS Pricing Pages

A/B testing is a powerful tool for optimizing your pricing page. By comparing two versions of your page, you can determine which elements resonate best with your audience.

A/B testing could include:

  • different layouts
  • pricing structures
  • CTA microcopy
  • button colors
  • social proof copy
  • risk reversal

You can test anything on your page if you compare it to the original and know which page performs better. For the best A/B tests that lead to impactful results, you should not test more than two variables at a time.

So, what metrics should you be tracking to know which version of your page is more successful?

Key metrics to track during A/B testing include:

  • click-through rates
  • conversion rates
  • average time spent on a page

These data points can provide invaluable insights, helping you fine-tune your pricing page to better meet the needs and preferences of your target audience.

Integrating SaaS Pricing with Overall Marketing Strategy

Your pricing page should not exist in isolation; it should be an integral part of your marketing strategy. That means ensuring tone, messaging, and design consistency across all your marketing channels.

The pricing page should reflect your brand identity and values, reinforcing the message conveyed through your other marketing efforts. A high level of integration helps create a cohesive and compelling brand story, making your product more appealing to potential customers.

Let's see the common pitfalls business owners face when creating pricing pages that convert so you can avoid them.

Common Mistakes to Avoid on SaaS Pricing Pages

There are several common pitfalls to avoid when designing your SaaS pricing page.

Overcomplicating the pricing structure can lead to confusion and decision paralysis for potential customers. It's important to keep the pricing model simple and easy to understand.

Another mistake is a lack of transparency, such as hidden fees or unclear terms and conditions. When you have hidden fees, you may initially make a sale, but customers will cancel your service and not work with your business again.

It's best to keep everything clear.

Now that you know what you should have let's see it in action with some great SaaS pricing pages.

Successful B2B SaaS Pricing Pages Examples in 20234 and 2024

The examples we've gathered are great for design inspiration and to optimize your SaaS landing page.

HubSpot's pricing page is known for its intuitiveness and interactive tools. It combines tables for free tools, platforms, and bundles in a user-friendly interface. The use of interactive toggles and a vast FAQ section makes it a top choice in SaaS pricing pages. Essentially, Hubspot ensures people know what they are purchasing and uses their FAQ sections to eliminate doubt. Your customers mustn't doubt themselves because doubt is the biggest conversion killer.

Another example of a great pricing page is Slack. Slack's pricing page stands out for its clean and visually appealing design. The page effectively displays pricing alternatives and makes feature comparison easy. It also includes a strategic call to action, encouraging high-value customers to contact sales for tailored solutions. The page is clear and easy to follow, so it doesn't feel crowded, which can cause anxiety for online customers.

Last but not least, we have Ahrefs' pricing page. It showcases a sleek layout with easy toggles between monthly and annual billing, tooltips, and customer testimonials. Their design facilitates user understanding of pricing options and builds trust with potential customers.

These are examples of great SaaS pricing pages, so what makes a bad pricing page?

The tell-tale signs of ineffective SaaS pricing pages

We can tell you what makes a good pricing page, but if you can't recognize a bad page, you won't understand how to employ the above elements to help your business grow.

Common issues with poor pricing page design affect lookers becoming customers.

Overwhelming Information: Pages that provide too much information can lead to decision paralysis among potential customers, affecting conversion rates negatively.

Neglecting Mobile Optimization: In today's mobile-centric world, a pricing page not optimized for mobile devices can lead to a poor user experience, resulting in higher bounce rates and lower conversions.

Inconsistent Branding and Messaging: Inconsistent branding and messaging across the pricing page can confuse potential customers, making it difficult for them to understand the value of the SaaS product, thereby impacting conversions.

Future Trends in B2B SaaS Marketing Pricing

The SaaS industry is dynamic, and revenue building strategies are continually evolving. One emerging trend is the move towards more personalized pricing, where prices are tailored based on individual customer usage patterns and preferences.

The approach leverages data analytics to offer a more customized and flexible pricing structure, potentially leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

You should consider your user base when designing a pricing page. Your business and its customers are unique, so your offerings must also be. Nonetheless, the strategies here are a great way to improve your sales through your pricing page.


A SaaS pricing page is critical to your sales and marketing strategy. A well-designed pricing page that effectively communicates the value of your product can significantly enhance customer experience and drive conversions. Keeping the page simple, transparent, and aligned with your overall brand messaging is important. By continuously testing and refining your pricing strategy, you can stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of your customers.

Use these strategies for a page that helps you attract and maintain customers.


How can I determine the best pricing model for my SaaS product?

Consider your target audience, product features, and competitors. Analyze market trends and customer preferences to choose a model that aligns with your business goals.

Is it better to have more pricing tiers or keep it simple with fewer options?

This depends on your product and market. More tiers can cater to a diverse customer base, but too many options can be overwhelming. Aim for a balance that offers choice without causing decision fatigue.

How important is transparency in SaaS pricing?

Transparency is crucial. Hidden fees or complex pricing can erode trust and lead to higher churn rates. Clear, straightforward pricing builds confidence and loyalty.

Can offering a free trial increase conversions?

Yes, free trials let potential customers experience your product before committing, significantly increasing the likelihood of conversion.

How often should I revisit and adjust my SaaS pricing strategy?

Regularly review and adjust your pricing strategy to remain relevant and competitive. Market conditions, customer feedback, and business goals should guide these adjustments.

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